Flatbread Pizza Dough
Flatbread Pizza Dough
BEFORE YOU START: QUICK TIP: Preheat the bake stone in the oven, placing it on the very bottom rack and removing all others. After baking, leave the stone in the oven to cool.
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Wolf bake stone kit (available for purchase at your appliance dealer)Digital kitchen scale
310 grams (or about 1⅓ cups) water2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon instant yeast
3¾ cups all-purpose flour
2½ teaspoons kosher salt
1½ teaspoons vital wheat gluten, optional
Preparation Method
To prepare the dough
- Place the bowl of a stand mixer on a digital kitchen scale and tare, so the display shows a weight of zero.
- Measure 310 grams of water into the bowl. Add honey and yeast to mixing bowl; it is best to use volume measurements for smaller-volume ingredients. Whisk until honey dissolves.
- Place the flour in a medium-size bowl. Add salt and vital wheat gluten, if desired. Whisk to combine.
- Pour flour mixture into the mixing bowl with water, honey, and yeast.
- Use a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment to knead dough on medium-low speed for 5 minutes. Pause to scrape the sides, if necessary.
- Leave the bowl on the mixer and cover with plastic wrap. Let rest 10 minutes. Knead on medium-low speed again for 5 minutes.
- Remove dough from bowl and roll into a tight ball. Coat lightly with oil and place into a container large enough to accommodate the dough doubled in size. Cover the container and refrigerate at least overnight; however, the best flavor is achieved with two full days in the refrigerator.
To bake
- Remove dough from refrigerator, divide into four equal portions, and roll into balls. Dust with flour and cover with a towel or plastic wrap.
- Preheat the oven to 450°F Stone Mode with a bake stone and rack set on position “1.”
- Once the oven preheats, roll out a dough ball into an 8- to 10-inch circle on a floured surface. The remaining dough balls may be rolled out or frozen for later use.
- Dust the top of the rolled-out dough and a pizza peel with flour.
- Flip the pizza dough over and place the floured surface of the pizza dough onto the floured peel—this will make sliding the pizza into the oven much easier.
- Add your favorite pizza sauce and toppings. As the cheese melts, it will spread—be sure to leave some open space and do not overcrowd the toppings.
- Transfer the pizza to the oven and slide the pizza onto the center of the preheated bake stone.
- Cook for approximately 10 minutes or until the pizza has reached the desired browning.